Comprising representatives from the fisheries, aquaculture, academic, regulatory and innovation sectors, the Steering Group provides invaluable advice to ensure the UK Seafood Innovation Fund supports a breadth of innovative projects. The Steering Group meets regularly to keep abreast with the fund’s progress.
The Steering Group also has a crucial role in reviewing applications to the fund. Once the group reaches consensus, they make recommendations to the UK Seafood Innovation Fund Executive Board about which projects should receive funding.
Our Administration Support staff are part of the Steering Group to provide administrative support to the group. These members are clearly indicated below and have no influence on the funding recommendations.
Steering Group members during the last call period (up to Call 4):
Current Steering Group members:
Director of Operations, Seafish
Principal Adviser Marine, Natural England
Policy Officer, National Federation of Fishermen’s Organisations (NFFO)
CEO, Sustainable Aquaculture Innovation Centre (SAIC)
Senior Research Scientist, Aberystwyth University
Principle Scientist & Lead Advisor on Climate Change, Cefas
Head of Fisheries and Aquatic Ecosystems, Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute, Northern Ireland (AFBI)
Principal Fisheries Scientist, Cefas
Funding Delivery Manager, MMO Grants Team, MMO
Head of Evidence and Evaluation, MMO
SIF Programme Manager and Administration Support, Cefas (non-voting member)
SIF Programme Support and Secretariat, Cefas (non-voting member)
Director of operations, Seafish
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Our Steering Group meets regularly and also reviews all applications to the fund. The group makes recommendations to our Executive Board who make the final decision about which projects are funded.